PAIN and BEHAVIOUR…..and apologies to the little Pomeranian we took off guard!
So today I turned into THAT person on the other end of the lead saying “OMG! He’s NEVER done that before!”
Dogs are fab at masking pain but I’d missed the warning signs thinking Paddy was off his food and quieter than usual due to the heat.
On our early morning walk we spotted an extra cute fluff ball in the form of a Pomeranian…….and Paddy’s behaviour changed completely.
We stopped whilst a tractor went past - He’s a bit noise sensitive to certain things) things he would normally have tolerated but instead ended in a HUGE Lunge and barking fit towards the other dog,
I took the advice i give to you guys around advocating for our dogs - Any new change in behaviour - VET CHECK ……….. and we have an ear infection brewing (He’s prone to them with his big saggy lugs)
Pain can make dogs feel insecure and vulnerable - They feel less able to protect themselves against threats meaning they may react towards triggers Pain can make dogs frustrated and irritable - Same as us! Pain can make it harder for dogs to concentrate and learn - Same as us
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